Some hoping that Freddie don’t shave after de “head-scan”

Well Khemraj actually “tun” up fuh de debate pun TV de other night. He always hollering that he want fuh debate with government officials and that he don’t get access to that particular TV station. Ever since de pressure of running away from de last debate get to he, he decide fuh show up. What was even more noticeably about he, was that he tek a clean shave fuh de debate. Some seh he do that since he know that de TV station does transmit all over de country and people who ain’t know he would get fuh see a “clean” personality!
Others sehin that since he always rabid in he tirades whenever he talk about government, he decide fuh come “clean” seeing that de cameras was live! Some people seh dem didn’t even recognise it was he until he name appear pun de screen and de TV station actually get de spelling right! Some asking if Beri was responsible fuh that! While Khemraj appear “clean”, he pals over at de “mukracker” and de Capital City News not even meking a attempt fuh “shave” so dem both might appear clean. Both only carry one side of de story when Uncle Donald visit de mining town de other day. Dem carry dem side! De man from de Capital City News is de boss-man for de presser association and he and de association always harping pun others, especially de state media, fuh be balance.
People sehin de way he and de “mukracker” balance dem news is just like how some people use to just put de fourpound weight pun de scale and nothing in de pan and charge others fuh four pounds of nothing! That use to force some fuh survive with nothing. Now, some don’t need to be forced; dem happy with nothing. People seh Freddie is a good example of somebody who walking around with nothing; nothing in he head. Dem seh de head-scan he due fuh would confirm that! People hoping that after de “confirmation” he don’t shave so he could still be recognised when he “tun” up fuh de cameras! Ting-a-ling-a-ling… Friend tell friend… mattie tell mattie

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